

Password Help


Corryong College's password policy provides increased security through the use of complex passwords, with at least 7 characters. A complex password is more difficult to guess than a simple password and offers better protection for personal and school information.

Your new password must:

  • Contain at least 7 characters
  • Contain at least 1 uppercase
  • Contain at least 1 lowercase
  • Contain at least 1 number or symbol
  • Not contain your username or full name
  • Not match your past eight passwords

As an added security measure, your password is valid for a set number of days and you will receive a reminder to change it days out before it expires.

Use the links below to manage your password:

Change Your Password

Writer: WYATT Tyrone
Created on 2020-03-29 10:46
Last update on 2020-03-29 11:13
This item is part of the FAQ